Jamestown Police remember Ryan Bourque on 8th anniversary of his death

May 23, 2024
Jamestown Police remember Ryan Bourque on 8th anniversary of his death
Additional impaired driving patrols will be on the road all weekend
The Jamestown Police Department today remember Officer Ryan Bourque on the 8th anniversary of his death. On May 23, 2016, Bourque was tragically killed by a wrong-way, impaired driver on Route 95 as Ryan travelled home from work. With a busy holiday weekend ahead, additional patrols will be out in Jamestown and around the state to try and prevent another needless tragedy.
“We’re thinking about Ryan and his family and we know other departments are as well. Our neighbors in Newport and North Kingstown will have extra patrols out looking for impaired drivers,” said James Campbell, Chief of Police for Jamestown. “Our goal is simple: we want to prevent tragedies like the crash that took Ryan’s life.”
Colonel Bradford Connor, President of the Rhode Island Chiefs Association and Chief of the Warwick Police Department said, “Our message is consistent – if you plan to celebrate, make a plan. Designate a sober driver, call a rideshare or stay where you are. Whether you are using alcohol, drugs, or some mix of the two, it all adds up to impairment.”
The Jamestown Police Department is collaborating with the Providence Police Department and RIDOT Office of Highway Safety to bring the BAT (Breath Alcohol Testing) Mobile to Jamestown. The BAT Mobile is a mobile operations center used to process those arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence and serves as a high-visibility awareness tool. The BAT Mobile and targeted enforcement efforts are funded through grants provided by the RIDOT Office of Highway Safety.
Cara Cromwell
(401) 440-0090